My name is Aimee and I Heal
People come to me for guidance. Guidance with what, you might ask? The answer is nearly everything. When people feel there’s absolutely no one on Earth they could possibly call to help them address an issue, or that would understand or be non-judgmental, I am the person that comes to their minds. Ghost in the house? Call Aimee… Saw a UFO? Have psychic medium abilities and don’t know what to do with them? Nervous breakdown? Pet is ill and don’t know what’s wrong & neither does the vet? Need a tradesperson to clean, build, maintain or repair something? Family member checked out under suspicious circumstances? Can’t let go? Need to know how to deal with someone with serious psychiatric issues and don’t know how? Phobias? Addictions? Major life catastrophes? Looking to reinvent yourself? Need a job? NEED A RIDE? A new career? Demonic attachment that won’t let go? Seeking miraculous healing? Don’t know who to trust? Lost all hope? CALL AIMEE, SHE CAN HELP.
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Helping Adult Children Without Enabling: A Guide for Parents to Protect Their Well-being While Offering Support
As parents, we all want to help our children—whether they are toddlers, teenagers, or adults. The instinct to provide support, care, and guidance never fades,
Overcoming Procrastination: A Comprehensive Guide to Reclaiming Your Time and Purpose
As a hypnotherapist, life coach, and spiritual advisor, one common issue my clients face is procrastination. It’s a silent thief of time, energy, and potential.
Believing in Yourself: A Key to Unlocking Your Potential
Belief in yourself is not just a fleeting feeling; it’s a foundation upon which you build your confidence, your actions, and your success. Many people
“The Mind Control Behind the Bra: Unpacking Society’s Unquestioned Norm”
The other day I asked my friends to give me their opinions on not wearing a bra and nearly all of them failed the assignment.
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